Langston University in Langston, United States USA

Langston University in Langston - United States USA. Here you will find Information on the Langston University in Langston - United States USA. For information on admission, please contact the Langston University directly or visit the official website of the university.

Name (International)

Langston University


Langston University
102 Page Hall
73050 Langston
United States USA

Telephone Number:

+1 (405) 466 2231

Fax Number:

+1 (405) 466 3461



Langston University is a university located in the city of Langston in the country of United States USA.

For information on available university courses, area of studies, tuition fees, admission, facilities and services please contact the Langston University directly or visit the official website of the university Langston University

A University is an institute of reasearch and higher education. At a university you can study for academic degrees in a a lot of different subjects such as Architecture, Art and design, Biosciences, Business, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Civil engineering, History, Economics, Finance and accounting, Language, Medicine, Law, Physics and much more.

University Admission, Courses and Ranking

Please contact the Langston University directly or visit the official website of the university.


Hotels near Langston University in Langston, United States USA